A Double J stent, also known as a JJ stent, is used for various medical purposes related to the urinary system. Here are the primary uses:
Ureteral Drainage: A Double J stent is commonly placed inside the ureter during surgery to ensure the drainage of urine from the kidney into the bladder. This is especially relevant in cases where there is a blockage or obstruction in the ureter, allowing the free flow of urine.
Kidney Stone Treatment: In patients with kidney stones, Double J stents can be used to provide relief by reducing sharp pain from a stone (renal colic) or facilitating the drainage of urine to prevent complications.
Post-Surgical Support: After certain urological surgeries, a Double J stent may be inserted to support healing and ensure proper drainage. This is common in procedures involving the kidney and ureter.
Urinary Diversion: Double J stents can be used for urinary drainage and diversion. There are variations, such as internal or double J stents, and internal/external or nephroureteral stents, depending on the specific medical needs.
In summary, Double J stents play a crucial role in urological interventions, ensuring proper urine flow and addressing conditions such as kidney stones and post-surgical complications.